About Moya Costello

Moya Costello grew up in Sydney, and lived in Adelaide for twenty-three years. She currently lives on the far North Coast of New South Wales, where she teaches casually in the Writing program in the School of Arts and Social Sciences, Southern Cross University., for whom she is also an Adjunct Lecturer. She teaches Food and Wine Writing for the School of Business and Tourism.  This is her second novella. She also has two collection s of short creative prose published. Much of her work has been published in literary magazines and scholarly journals.
Also by Moya Costello:

  • Kites in Jakarta - a collection of short creative prose published by Sea Cruise Books
  • Small Ecstasies - a collection of short creative prose published by University of Queensland Press
  • The Office as a Boat: A Chronicle - a novella published by Brandl & Schlesinger

Moya has been the recipient of writer's grants from Federal and State Arts funding; she has been a writer-in-residence at Monash University, and the recipient of the Barbara Hanrahan Fellowship (from Arts SA) and a Varuna Fellowship. She has been a guest at the Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Bellingen, Gold Coast and Yamba Writers' Festivals.  Small Ecstasies was launched at an Adelaide Festival Writers' Week. She was on the 1998-2000 Adelaide Writers' Week committee. She has
judged several awards including the Adelaide Festival Writers' Week Premier's Nonfiction Award, the Bank SA short-story award and Friendly Street Poetry awards. She taught Writing full-time from 2008 in a continuing position until 2017, at Southern Cross University. Currently she is an adjunct and casual lecturer there.

See some recent publications at: http://works.bepress.com/moya_costello/