Also by Moya Costello:
- Kites in Jakarta - a collection of short creative prose published by Sea Cruise Books
- Small Ecstasies - a collection of short creative prose published by University of Queensland Press
- The Office as a Boat: A Chronicle - a novella published by Brandl & Schlesinger
Moya has been the recipient of writer's grants from Federal and State Arts funding; she has been a writer-in-residence at Monash University, and the recipient of the Barbara Hanrahan Fellowship (from Arts SA) and a Varuna Fellowship. She has been a guest at the Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Bellingen, Gold Coast and Yamba Writers' Festivals. Small Ecstasies was launched at an Adelaide Festival Writers' Week. She was on the 1998-2000 Adelaide Writers' Week committee. She has judged several awards including the Adelaide Festival Writers' Week Premier's Nonfiction Award, the Bank SA short-story award and Friendly Street Poetry awards. She taught Writing full-time from 2008 in a continuing position until 2017, at Southern Cross University. Currently she is an adjunct and casual lecturer there.
See some recent publications at: